2024-03-25 19:53:04 UTC
Hi Friends!
I recently learnt some BBSes are still running though nowadays I don't connect
with dialup :) and also learnt some of them provide access to USENET groups,
some groups at leasts. I would like to know better of more BBSes with such
facility and by the way I'm curious how exactly this work. Thanks in advance
and sorry if it is not the proper group for this topic.
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
MutinyBBS - telnet : - ssh :
I recently learnt some BBSes are still running though nowadays I don't connect
with dialup :) and also learnt some of them provide access to USENET groups,
some groups at leasts. I would like to know better of more BBSes with such
facility and by the way I'm curious how exactly this work. Thanks in advance
and sorry if it is not the proper group for this topic.
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
MutinyBBS - telnet : - ssh :